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Although rapeseed oil is the most commonly produced vegetable oil in Germany, high quality rapeseed oil is very rare. For the salad, the oil is usually refined and the car tank doesn't care about the taste anyway!
However, good flour can only be obtained with careful cold pressing. When it comes to rapeseed, you don't just have to avoid bitter substances. Rapeseed is also closely related to the mustard plant and you can taste it a little bit.
But don't worry: only a small amount of spiciness is left in the flour from the mustard, and that's only in the raw state. When baking, the spiciness disappears and the very (bright) light green color of the raw flour turns into a dark olive.
In addition to the optimal ratio of omega 3 to omega 6 fatty acids, rapeseed contains a particularly large amount of high-quality vegetable protein and, in contrast to many other protein sources (nuts, almonds), these are almost unlimited in Germany. Provided that an oil mill takes the trouble to pay attention to the quality of the flour in addition to a particularly good rapeseed oil. Then the result is not only healthy and sustainable, but also a special taste experience!
A rapeseed flour bread tastes good with a sweet or savory topping.