Vanilla -Carb Sugar out of Bourbon Vanilla(125g)

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natural sweetener erythrit with 7% bourbon vanilla

Natural sweetener erythrit with bourbon vanilla

So far, as low-carbers, we have always used flavor or real pods when we needed vanilla flavor, which we then finely ground in a mortar with our -carb sugar (erythritol). The particularly practical mixture of vanilla sugar was taboo, since it contains sugar (and the commercially available vanilla sugar does not even contain real vanilla, but artificial flavoring).

Recently we got a sample of "vanilla sugar" from an erythritol dealer. Erythritol with Vanilla. The idea was good, but the execution was bad. When we opened the can, there was a brown layer of vanilla on top and coarse granules of erythritol on the bottom. We then immediately got out the mortar. But even then the taste didn't convince us. Stevia was also added to the mixture and I could taste the bitter aftertaste.

So we tried to do better. We have teamed up with a small trading office in Hamburg that has specialized in vanilla for several decades. The goal was: best vanilla sugar without sugar. After many attempts, the bourbon vanilla from Madagascar harmonized best with the slightly fresh taste of our -carb sugar.

We then finely ground the mixture and are really proud of the balanced taste and the fine, homogeneous mixture. Our 125g pack of vanilla carb sugar contains more than 3 whole noble bourbon vanilla beans (at least 7%). The rest is our well-known -carb sugar. No other additions.

Finally, one may wonder why we chose such a cumbersome name: "vanilla -carb sugar". The reason is that there is a German vanilla sugar law. And that means that only  vanilla sugar can be called, which consists of at least 7% real vanilla and real sugar. understand the world.

Country of origin: Germany

Ingredients: Erythritol, Bourbon Vanilla (dried, min. 6.25%)

Can have a laxative effect if consumed to excess.

Storage: Dry at 15-25°C

Nutrion Data
Brennwert 94 kJ (22 kCal)
Fettgehalt 2 g
davon gesättigte Fettsäuren 0,07 g
Kohlenhydrate 97 g
Hinweis für die Low carb Ernährung ______________
Verwertbare Kohlenhydrate 4 g
davon Zucker 3,9 g
davon mehrwertige Alkohole 93 g
Eiweiß 0,22 g
Ballaststoffe 1,7 g
Salz <0,01 g

Erythritol is made from starch and is a polyhydric alcohol (polyol). This has nothing to do with the ethanol in wine or beer, but is only the official name for this class of substances. According to the EU standard, it is to be recorded under carbohydrates, but it contains no calories and does not cause an insulin reaction in the body. Our supplier states that the erythritol is more than 99.5% pure. This is the highest purity available on the market. Competitors reporting 100% have rounded purity.

For products that contain a sugar alcohol, we are obliged by the EU standard to provide the following information: "Excessive consumption can have a laxative effect." Hardly any cases of such a "side effect" are known for the natural sugar alcohol erythritol.

We have summarized how nutritional information is determined and what low-carb people in particular should know about it in a somewhat detailed article Understanding nutritional information.

Erythritol is made from starch and is a polyhydric alcohol (polyol). This has nothing to do with the ethanol in wine or beer, but is only the official name for this class of substances. According to the EU standard, it is to be recorded under carbohydrates, but it contains no calories and does not cause an insulin reaction in the body. Our supplier states that the erythritol is more than 99.5% pure. This is the highest purity available on the market. Competitors reporting 100% have rounded purity.

For products that contain a sugar alcohol, we are obliged by the EU standard to provide the following information: "Excessive consumption can have a laxative effect."

There are almost no known cases of such a "side effect" for the sugar alcohol erythritol.

Note: This ingredient does not have a reduced carbohydrate content as defined by EU Regulation (EC) No. 1924/2006 in connection with the Food Labeling Ordinance. The reason is that the contained sugar substitute erythritol is to be summed up as carbon anhydrous within the meaning of EU Regulation (EC) No. 1924/2006. In terms of the concept of a carbohydrate-reduced diet (low carb), in deviation from this definition, it is only about the reduction of usable carbohydrates, i.e. carbohydrates that directly influence the blood sugar level (sugar, starch). This product is recommended as a low-carb cooking and baking ingredient, as it has a reduced proportion of usable carbohydrates compared to sugar in the sense of a low-carb diet.