-carb SchokoPops sugar free, rich in Protein and Fiber (250g)

Incl. 7% VAT zzgl. Versandkosten
Preis per 1 kg

grain free, sugar free, breakfast, sweets, chocolade, free of soy, free of nuts, no allergens, glutenfree,, lactose free, vegan, less calories

Es gibt  viele Lehrbücher der Lebensmittelproduktion, da steht drin, dass knusprige extrudierte Pops sich nur aus Stärke herstellen lassen. Wer denkt, in Erdnussflips seien Erdnüsse drin, liegt vollkommen falsch: Die bestehen aus Maisstärke und etwas Erdnussöl und -aroma.

When I rented an extruder for a day of trials at a food development center in February 2019 with a completely starch and sugar-free recipe, I had many discouraging sentences like "Believe me, this doesn't work. I'm looking into it for many years. Quite a few others have tried to do this without success!" heard.

Luckily I'm stubborn, because my dough mixture of psyllium husks, the natural sugar substitute erythritol, pumpkin seed flour and other fibers, which I discovered by chance, quickly turned into wonderfully crispy, fluffy and delicious chocolate pops in the test laboratory.

All made from ingredients that you already know from the l-carb shop.

Three-quarters of a year later, we submitted the new process for a patent, optimized the taste and were able to win over the Tyrolean muesli specialist Cerealps as our producer.

And now, with the 3rd batch, we have managed to make the chocolate pops even lighter. Instead of the original 330g (with some space still open), only 250g now fit in our cup. Of course, this also reduced the price.


Enjoy our innovative chocolate pops with yoghurt or milk, as a topping or in chocolate or just to nibble on. There is a risk of addiction for anyone who likes chocolate and sweets. Because there are no reasons to do without our chocolate pops:

free of sugar (< 0.5%)
only 2% usable carbohydrates
no soy or other allergens
no grain
70% fewer calories than comparable products
lactose-free, gluten-free and vegan
instead: 20% vegetable protein and 28% fiber
with lots of healthy psyllium husks

Legal Notice:

Crunchy extrudate, cocoa flavor with sweeteners

Ingredients: Pumpkin seed flour, cocoa fibres, sweetener erythritol, stevia glycosides, psyllium husk, natural. flavors

Can have a laxative effect if consumed excessively

If you discover white spots on the chocolate pops. We had it examined with the laboratory microscope. This is not mould, but the smallest erythritol crystals that make the chocolate pops so crispy.

Nutrion Data
Brennwert 862 kJ / 205kCal
Fettgehalt 5,6 g
davon gesättigte Fettsäuren 1,9 g
Kohlenhydrate 32,2 g
Verwertbare Kohlenhydrate 2,2 g
davon Zucker 0,4 g
davon mehrwertige Alkohole 30 g
Eiweiß 22 g
Ballaststoffe 30 g
Salz < 0,5 g

For products that contain a sugar alcohol, we are obliged by the EU standard to provide the following information: "Excessive consumption can have a laxative effect." There are no known cases of such a "side effect" for the natural sugar alcohol erythritol contained in our muesli.

We have summarized how nutritional information is determined and what low-carb people in particular should know about it in a somewhat detailed article "Understanding nutritional information".

Reduced carb content compared to regular grain based pop products